Entries are added in from the top, as usual.

Three-drawing comic "Hurbis"- 
			Panel 1: Jojo exclaims "I am invincible!". 
			Panel 2: A falling bomb touches his head, as he looks at the 4th wall in a frozen moment of terror. 
			Panel 3: mushroom cloud.

The main character never dies. [High-res version]

Added a show/hide player button in falling. Best course of action is still to enable autoplay, but I'm sure that's not an option for everyone. Try checking your address bar.

Surely Youtube needs JS yeah, you'll need JS.

I posted some things on Coffeebug's guestbook on Sept 18,
					and she replied. I asked how can she redesign the place so much,
					and she said (on the same day, too), she's not really employed.
					I left another message apologising for being curt, then said it's okay, Youtuber
					Deadlycomics uploads very infrequently, to which she claims i
					"fell in love with a giirrll…."
					like in the White Stripes song.

2024, Oct 19 I fell in love once and almost completely

(Okay, okay, i looked up the song. But tho, I really did wonder how she had the time. Cool for her to reply so quickly, I wasnt expecting anything.)

(Don't ship us. We don't even know each other, can't meet up, i don't even think i'll be marrying in the future.)

Update 2024, Oct 20 I've been scared stiff that she's gay. I can't remember. I don't know. That was reeeeeealy dumb of me to say up there. idkidkidk ~ ~ ~

Update 2, 2024, Oct 20

"i'm a girl on the web" - "introduction" window on her page.

crippling, chilling, so-ci-al anx-i-e-ty (to the tune of "Virtual Insanity")

This is an air spreader at a local macdonald's. It counts.

LOOK AT THE SPINNING THIGN ---> (.gif image) eight - bladed fan thing,
			attached to the bottom of an AC unit, rotating fairly quickly. <--- FEEL IT'S POOOOWER idk whatever

Yes this is a crosspost with the rolling blog.

(I'm going to stop adding dates to enteries from this point.)

2024, June 28 The Autism Speaks Cement Mixer. Uh yeah. That's a thing that exists. I thought it was just made up in a stroke but no. Here, for your viewing delectation, are some links that lead to coverage on Reddit and the AS Canada site. I will not be talking about AS being an mismanaged, good-for-nothing "support organisation", mainly because I truly don't know the situation well enough. (I spent two hours writing a long article on this subject that turned out terrible. This is kinda a comprimise, and I think it works well.) Photo out of a car windscreen, facing a cement mixer. 
					The cab is blue and the barrel bit is white. Emblazoned on the
					barrel are lots of colorful puzzle pieces and the
					Autism Speaks Canada logotype.
Screenshot of a Discord message:
			" Scoup some into the autism speaks cement mixer,get all
			the ingredients into the conveniently package d
			volcano and all 'there are under your skin' things KaBOOM [sic]"

Screenshot of Oddity's guestbook with 
		an entry about "Bitcoin(tm) Fobit(tm) AI(tm)" framed in the picture.

2024, Mar 5 Some crypto ad-bot signed OddityCommodity's guestbook. Again, this was mildly amusing, unless you have a beef against crypto (and that's probably super likely from what I've seen). Here's the freeloader caught for posterity. Being a girl won't save you, Erica. (Sorry to all real women actually named Erica)

(Yes, I went out of my way to *tch about a bot.)

Cardboard can of chai tea with a message: "New look coming soon"

2024, Mar 3 I found this on a can of chai tea in the fridge. It's been there for a while.

I just found it silly that the company who put this tea out decided to hype up its new look. I know rebrands sometimes get media hype, and while I do appreciate a good brand identity every now and then, here, it's just tea.

For some reason, I decided not to ever drink that tea ever (and I'm still commited as of writing, not that I drank chai tea regularly before).

Roadkill Hall Of Fame A site that a Boodle Box award linked to. Copied off the Wayback Machine, added missing assets, and modified minimaly. Feel free to link the award back here.
An Anecdote Exactly what it sounds like. It's just an anecdote of someone getting roped into someone's terrible website project. You'll just have to take his word for it, I guess.