
Puting the "inter-" back into the internet, where it belongs. One button at a time.

Clicking on a picture will not take you anywhere. While neat, it wasn't exactly practical. Use the big links instead. Buttons will be displayed where applicable.

TV Tropes

...will Ruin Your Life ( TM ). I am not joking. I have tried.

Alex Parr

The first Neocities site I found. Also as of 2024, Apr 12 has recieved some comic updates. Also also has some weird tidbits relating to his animation and art projects on there.


I sometimes find myself mashing their code snippets into my site.

MelonLand Project

One of Melon's things online. It's a communal ground of sorts for web revivalists...I guess. I'm honestly intimidated by all this.


I had a phase when I was quite engrossed in this artist. I still have every song on his site in my library.

MELONKING Visit Melonking.Net!

A long runner. Yes I know that he updated his site and yes the thumbnail doesn't reflect this. I found out a few days ago but I was just being lazy. Not that I catually stay there much.

Two webhosts?


It's like Geocities but neo, apparently.


The alternative for the alternative. Go decentralisation! Relatively new.

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(nb. Melon's button is friking on his main page. Just scroll down and you'll see it.)

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Linking back

(Every self-respecting web revival site needs one of these.)

You can always use this silly button ( Jojo Grumpington(Beta) ), adding into your page source something like...

<a href = ""> <img src = "/path/to/jojobutton.gif" alt = "Jojo Grumpington(Beta)"> </a>

...where "jojobutton.gif" is the button filename and "/path/to/jojobutton.gif" leads to wherever you've saved the button on your server.

..........I hope to make a better button soon '=I