nobody's @here
O hai. Uuuuh this page isn't really meant for the general public but it's for a spotify playlist and stuff that I'm editing with a bunch of discord friends.
There are (as of 2025, Mar 1) two main guidelines:
- POV: You're alone and about to get goofy.
- Make sure songs flow into each other. (This is a completely arbitrary judgement, if you think it works you can arrange it that way.)
- Hold on, i think i have an example of what i want:
![Cropped image of a series of Discord messages from [username redacted]:
"this playlist is twisted[.] whoever gooseberry is[,] I fw the songs[,]
but this placement is killing me[.] [username redacted] do you mind if I added heavy metal right after number 3...."](./the-placement.png)
As of, again, 2025, Mar 1, the list is growing a bit...explict. Be warned. Hopefully just growing pains....
Note to all BGB users: please ask for the collab link if looking to join. This page is potentially accessible to the wider Internet, and I don't feel like that kind of commitment now....
sorry to all other net users.