What have I been doing in OpenSimulator

i'll make my own universe with blackjack and hookers 2025, Jan 11 -- Last updated 2025, Jan 18

confident?: hopping onto the next fad i've come across.

I've only set myself up. It's been a few months, probably two, and I've not have had much time to deal with it all. It doesn't help that my potato computer can't seem to render more than 10fps at best.

My first mistake was on how to get online in OpenSimulator. You do not download the OpenSim software itself.....that's for servers. You'll need what's called a viewer. As of now I'm using Cool VL Viewer.....i didn't name it. It's the only viewer that provides an ARM64 build. Currently looking for a lighterweight viewer to install compile and use, likely an older one.

Cool VL Viewer offers an old-looking interface out of 2007ish.
		It displays that my current FPS is 5. If you find a female avatar named "Liz Logofart" in baggy white clothes,
		that's probably me.
		Pictured is me (my avatar) standing next to a L$ ATM thing and a hypergrid teleporter screen in
		IIRC the DigiWorldz HyperMall. Render distance is 80m, therefore the scene looks very sparse.

Me trying to speed up the viewer

You'll almost definitely not need to do this. The RPi4 does not even meet the "minimum requirements" for the viewer, but it runs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So far, these are the changes i've made from Cool VL Viewer's recomended settings...

Certain change:

in Edit -> Preferences -> Graphics -> Render settings:

in Edit -> Preferences -> Graphics -> GPU/GL settings:


in Edit -> Preferences -> Graphics -> Render settings:

in Edit -> Preferences -> Graphics -> GPU/GL settings:

I'm hoping using an older viewer would far outstrip these ""enhancements"". ARM64 seems to be uncharted ground for OpenSim viewers, so I'd have to compile everything myself. Wish me luck....